District 3
In 2006, at the age of 30, Eric fulfilled his dream of settling in the Town of Mount Royal with his young family. He was fortunate to see his children attend daycare centers and local schools. For a few years on Dunrae Street and then on Roselawn Crescent, Eric is a proud representative of his District 3.
Through his professional experience, Eric has been in regular contact with municipalities and several provincial ministries. His understanding of public affairs naturally leads him to want to become actively involved to protect and defend the interests of Townies.
Having recently left his company operations, Eric now wishes to dedicate his time for the benefit of our city he cherishes. He will know how to use his talents as a communicator for the benefit of his fellow citizens. Through his wealth of experience, he will contribute to the advancement of current and future municipal issues.
Eric co-founded and built the award-winning home improvement and design company in its industry, ESPÉ Réno Urbaine. A real estate developer and manager in East Montreal, Eric has spent his life serving the preservation of Montreal's real estate heritage.
General contractor since 2002
Acquisition and administration of 100 apartments since 2001
Eric is an excellent communicator. He has been a TV Host on housing shows and has done more than fifty segments in his field.
Throughout his career, Eric has been continuously involved in various committees and boards of directors of associations relevant to his industry, as well as in local baseball teams.
President - Réno Maître APCHQ (8 years including 4 years as president)
Administrator - APCHQ Provincial Board of Directors (6 years)
Director - APCHQ Montreal Metropolitan Board of Directors (6 years)
Administrator - APDIQ Board of Directors (interior designers) (2 years)
Coach - Local Baseball League and TMR Softball League (10 years)
B.A.A Marketing - HEC Montréal 1998
DOMUS - Recipient of the Entrepreneur in renovation award in 2017, 2019 and 2020
MERCURIADES - Finalist, SMB App development WEB 2018
MERCURIADES - Finalist SMB Productivity increase 2017
ESTim - Recipient of the Entrepreneur in construction in 2016
DOMUS and Grands Prix du Design - Finalist and award winner for over 30 renovation projects since 2007.