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District 8

Jonathan Lang is a 3rd generation resident of District 8.  His love for the Town of Mount Royal and its community made it an easy decision for him and his wife to raise their family here.  He has had an ongoing interest in organized sports, specifically in baseball and hockey, and has always had a natural inclination to roll up his sleeves and help where possible.   As such, he has enjoyed many years of involvement around the Town, and continues to look for ways to give back to the community he grew up in.

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In 2017, Jonathan was elected to Town Council and has been honoured to be able to represent his district over the past 4 years.  He is especially interested in road safety and has been actively involved in the addition of traffic measures on and around Lucerne Road.  He is also a firm believer in the Sports and Community Center as a valuable and much needed benefit to all residents of the Town.  Having spent his entire life in the community, Jonathan is passionate about being a contributing voice to the ongoing concerns of the Town.


  • Jonathan has been in active dental practice for 35 years in Snowdon and in Greenfield Park

  • He has been on the Organizing Committee of the largest annual dental meeting in Canada with over 12,000 attendees, les Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in the position of Assistant Director in more recent years

  • Currently, Jonathan is Councillor in the Town’s District 6


Jonathan has always been active in sports. He captained softball teams in his 20’s in the TMR Gents Softball League and coached his two boys in hockey, soccer and baseball for over 15 years as they were growing up in the Town.  He founded and still organizes the TMR Softball League which is into its 17th season this summer.  Jonathan has worked over several years raising funds for organizations that are dear to him including his Alma Mater, McGill University and the Combined Jewish Appeal.

  • Assistant Executive Director – Journées dentaires internationales du Québec

  • General Chairman – Journées dentaires internationales du Québec

  • President – Alpha Omega/Mount Royal Dental Society

  • Assistant to Director of Professional Services – Ordre des dentistes du Québec

  • Board of Directors – Ordre des dentistes du Québec

  • Campaign Chairman – Dental Division – Combined Jewish Appeal

  • Class Agent – McGill Dentistry, Class of ‘86


  • McGill University, Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.)

  • McGill University, Bachelor of Science in Physiology (B.Sc.)

  • Collège Stanislas, baccalauréat français, sciences de la santé

  • Fellow, Académie Dentaire du Québec

  • Fellow, American College of Dentists

  • Fellow, Pierre Fauchard Academy

  • Fellow, Academy of Dentistry International

  • Certificate of Merit – Canadian Dental Association

  • Citation of Recognition and Appreciation – Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity

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Vote by anticipation on October 30th & 31st or on November 7th.

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