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New voices in the political landscape of the Town of Mount Royal. While drawing on their background and combined experiences, the United for TMR team presents itself as a renewed outlook on key files and seeks to inject new energy into the City Council.


Elected in November 2021 as part of a divided council, as official opposition, we worked jointly with all councilors for the betterment of the town.  Putting aside our differences of opinions and positions on various files, we worked to find mutual compromises for the benefit of all residents.        


Unfortunately, in January 2024,  the Mayor kicked us out of caucus.  Although the mayor is choosing to limit debates amongst councillors, we are committed to continue to defend residents’ rights and strive for best results for all.  Read more about its impact in our Feb 16th, 2024 open letter. 


Our team philosophy is based on the following values


We want to be available, accessible and close to residents by listening to your needs, in order to develop a common vision for the future of our city, to act together for its completion while developing a greater sense of community.


Convinced that a city evolves positively through dialogue and citizen involvement, we advocate a collaborative and inclusive approach with the various stakeholders on major issues affecting the city. We seek to adopt a collaborative approach, improve the Town’s consultation process and be transparent with regard to the decision-making processes.


We advocate competence, rigor and responsible management when working on town files. We value action-oriented leadership through increased involvement of councillors in municipal issues. Through our accessibility and an active, hands-on approach with residents, we want to promote citizen engagement in our community.


We favor transparency and integrity of work, in order to ensure responsible management, and to serve our fellow citizens with loyalty and diligence.


Promoting and respecting a plurality of opinions is one of the fundamental principles behind any discussion within the United for TMR team. No party line is imposed on councillors exercising their duties. Each councillor is encouraged to act with discernment while following his / her convictions. Our team is composed of outspoken councillors having diverse and complementary expertise and experiences, which represent the diversity of our population. 

It is important to note that municipal files are discussed and debated in the context of internal meetings called “caucus” or “preparatory council meetings” , prior to voting on these files at council. As such, if votes that take place during public council meetings are unanimous, thereby creating a perception of voting ''as a block'', such votes must rather be interpreted as the product of compromise and fruitful collaboration between all elected officials, achieved in the best interest of all. However, it is possible that certain elected officials nevertheless disagree or have reservations and they will be free to make their reservations known publicly, where required.

It should be noted that as of January 2024, all 3 councillors from the United for TMR team got expulsed of caucus.  They are currently only invited to attend the preparatory meeting related to items on monthly council agenda.  This is unfortunate as many files are discussed over the course of months as files progress and these 3 councillors no longer contribute to these discussions. 


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District 4

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District 5

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District 6

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