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A Town that continues to be financially sound with an exceptional living environment and high quality services where each resident feels well represented and is proud to call “home"

maintain low property taxes, healthy municipal finances and focus on Town Centre vitality

implement new Town council structure and promote bilateral communication

carry out the 2021-2025 sustainable development plan and additional urban green initiatives

Sports and Community Center build the long-awaited new REC and enhance programming for all ages

develop active transport, limit speed and increase safety

Development projects
thoroughly analyze current projects while consulting with residents, and improve the permit process, with the goal of preserving the town’s heritage and urban forest



Create a collaborative environment where residents can easily find the information they need from the Town and where councillors are better connected to residents  


  • Collaborative communication

    • Provide opportunities to exchange with residents, to answer questions and obtain feedback and comments, to signal an issue

    • Improve communication plan (website, mobile app, newsletter)

    • Be transparent with residents on Town issues

  • Bilingual status of the Town to be maintained

  • Citizen engagement 

    • Implement new processes to improve citizen engagement 

    • Implement committees where citizens may contribute and provide feedback on key matters 


  • Vision 

    • Protect the uniqueness of our beautiful garden city

    • Ensure that projects are implemented in a manner that assures an optimal balance between the various needs of the community.

    • Form a strong and agile administration so as to position and maintain the Town at the forefront of municipal affairs.

  • Responsibility & Accountability  

    • Assign each councillor to committees and portfolios according to their respective areas of interest and expertise

    • Facilitate point of contact and follow-up with residents


Finance & Commercial Activity

Maintain Town’s excellent financial health. Support local Town businesses - with special emphasis on Town center - and work to expand commercial offering 

Town Finances, Taxes and Aliquot Share

Keep taxes low and maintain the financial health of the Town while offering top notch services. Continue efforts, alongside the other demerged municipalities of the Montreal Agglomeration, towards a revised formula for the aliquot share (quotepart), to make it fairer for TMR.

Downtown / Town Hub

Invest efforts towards a Town centre that serves as a meeting hub for all Townies and a dynamic pole of the Town with restaurants, small shops and some highlights of the Town’s history. 

Commercial Activity

Encourage establishment of small shops and “buy local” initiatives. 

Connaught Park

Begin planning and consultation on the future of Connaught Park and its Country Club - leveraging its location, appeal and charm - as it contributes in making our downtown area a hub of activities benefiting the entire community. 

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Recreational & Cultural activities

Build new REC and enhance programming on the sports, recreational and cultural front for all ages, while updating the Town’s family policy

Sports and Community Centre and Skatepark

Move forward and build the long-awaited REC and skatepark substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by professionals, while creating a monitoring committee with residents for the REC.

Programming / Activities

Update the 2012 family policy, covering all generations.  Review and enhance existing programming (e.g., include more scientific and artistic activities, provide activities for older teens, and offer a variety of scheduling). 

Parks and Sports Facilities

Encourage outdoor activities for all generations with the integration of new facilities (e.g., refrigerated ice rink, refurbish existing running track, add games for late teens, etc.).

Cultural Calendar

Enhance calendar of events (e.g., movie nights, conferences) and extend current activities throughout the year (e.g., concerts, local market); integrate existing cultural diversity within our Town and various areas of expertise amongst our Town residents.

Community Services

Promote current services and develop cross-generational links by volunteering opportunities. Create a sense of community by leveraging current buildings as meeting hubs. Create a Youth Group to get our young adults involved in Town activities. 

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Mobility & Security

Develop active transport network while focusing on limiting speed and increasing safety 

Security & Safety

Increase awareness of Town services and continue collaborative approach with all parties involved (Town public security, residents, schools, SPVM).


Improve traffic flow for residents by continuing to monitor and resolve problem areas and adapt measures as the REM sites evolve in and around the Town. Ensure adequate studies have been conducted to offer proper evaluation of the situation. 


Re-examine current speed limits in the Town, specifically consult residents and experts on the possibility of reducing from 40 to 30 km/h. Continue putting in place measures to reduce speed (e.g., permanent speed humps, bulging sidewalks, reconfiguration of wide intersections, etc.).


Improve bike lanes in TMR and work towards linking them to Montreal bike paths, create dedicated bike lanes when possible (Graham and Laird). Develop the future Station Square (on the concrete slab between the two downtown bridges) in accordance with the guidance received during the consultation and so as to meet the needs of the various groups in our community. 


plan a safe and efficient drop off / pick up zone; control parking spaces in the area in order to serve residents and local merchants, as a priority, and ensure security in this zone; create a wall of greenery along the tracks to mitigate the visual and noise nuisances.

Environment & Urban Planning

Environment & Urban Planning

Identify and implement the necessary improvements towards a transparent, clearer and more efficient process for updating homes while preserving TMR’s historical heritage and maintain the Town’s unique character


Carefully analyze development projects (such as PPU Rockland, Royalmount, St-Peters, Beth-El) and their impact on the Town, all the while putting the well-being of the citizens at the core of the decision-making process


Implement the 2021-2025 sustainable development plan and additional urban green initiative

Built Heritage

Protect our historical heritage while allowing the Town to flourish in modern times.

CCU Process and Permits, Monitoring of construction sites

Communicate clearer guidelines to residents, create smoother process (efficiency, timelines) and improve communication with all parties involved. Improve surveillance and communication at construction sites.

Environment and Green Initiatives

Continue to roll-out and implement green initiatives (urban agriculture, charging stations for electric cars, bottle fillers and 3-bin garbage cans in parks, zero waste events, etc.).  Review and better management of noise pollution (e.g. leaf blowers, construction, etc).  Emphasis on educating our population on the benefits of environmental responsibility. Review and further study the impact of ban on heating oil.

Trees and Green spaces

Maintain investments in protecting our urban forest, rigorous maintenance of our green spaces and the continued aesthetic appeal of our Town by providing magnificent flowers and seasonal decorations. 

PPU Rockland

Pursue PPU process with a revised version incorporating the conclusions of the related studies and the comments made by residents. Mainly: reduce density and height; include mixed-use development (commercial, retirement home, residential, park and green spaces, etc.); facilitate traffic flow and not further increase traffic congestion and improve the environmental balance sheet of this heat island. Organize another consultation session to maintain dialogue with residents. We plan on only focusing on this PPU in the 2021-25 mandate. 

Royalmount residential component

Today, based on information currently available, we cannot be in favour of the residential component. Ensure thorough impact analysis as the requested zoning change would alter the identity of our Town. Hold another consultation in person with more details and complete analysis of the pros and cons. In due time, hold a referendum to ensure social acceptability, due to the magnitude of the proposed development.​

Long-awaited new Francophone School

Continue exercising pressure on the Ministère de l’Éducation for a swift resolution of the file while defending the interests of the entire community. 

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