We wanted to shed light on 2 by-law loans that were adopted on December 17th, 2024. Registration to request a referendum has passed and only very few signed the registry.
Loan by-law E-2408 is a $32M loan to finance the new fire station and administrative offices (30-40 Roosevelt). Given the scope of the investment, and while we understand the importance of moving forward with a new barracks, we regret that the Mayor has not presented this project in detail, and in full transparency, to residents. Also, the city of Montreal is expected to pay part of the expenses but no agreement has yet been signed. We were informed that this is still in progress. If you would like to read about the project, please visit the City’s website under the "big projects" heading.
We voted against loan by-law E-2505, since it will fund 500K for professional fees for plans and estimates for a new outdoor pool. The Mayor’s vision of the Sports District / Danyluk park, requires the existing swimming pool and changing rooms to be demolished and moved elsewhere in the Danyluk Park. We consider it premature to commit fees and to start a 3rd infrastructure project when neither the REC nor the barracks and offices have yet to come to light in the sports quarter.